The importance of detoxification through Panchakarma in Ayurveda is applicable to all cases covering a wide range of preventive, curative, and promotive conditions. Modern and fast paced life style causes accumulation of impurities in tissues and neuro muscular junctions of the body. These deeply seated toxins need to be eliminated periodically. Purification of the whole body brings proper balance of Vatha, Pitha & Kapha. Medication, and detoxifying therapies along with dietetic regimen restores the individual to a normal state of health. 15 days body purification program includes panchakarma, therapeutic massage, swedanam, nethrasekam, kizhi etc. This package helps to eliminate the toxins from all the parts of body and refresh the body system.
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3 Reviews
Tom Sawyer
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
ReplyJohn Doe
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
ReplyJaan Smith
Jana 10 2020Officia amet posuere voluptates, mollit montes eaque accusamus laboriosam quisque cupidatat dolor pariatur, pariatur auctor.
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